Aloha! Welcome to Beachy Munchies in Yuma, AZ

June 6th, 2024: Say aloha to flavor, Yuma! We’re thrilled to announce that Beachy Munchies is in the works, bringing you amazing street food served off our food cart, an artisan product line, and individual/group meal services.

While we’re still in the process of setting up—registering the business and our food cart—we’re working hard behind the scenes to build a small product line and perfect our recipes. Even though we aren’t actively vending just yet, we do have some of our products available for sale if you’re interested.

Thank you for your support and patience as we prepare to bring the beach to Yuma. Stay tuned for updates and delicious tropical flavors coming your way soon!


The Beachy Munchies Team 🌺

(Photo is owner Bobby & John Robert who just graduated preschool!)